Submit a Veteran
Collecting the names of Veterans remains the greatest challenge. The committee is looking to the community as the definitive source for names who qualify to be added to the walls. Please see the links below for those currently being honored on the wall where they served.
Qualifications for Honor Roll:
Veteran must have been a Downingtown area resident at the time of entry into the service as defined by the current Downingtown Area School District (ChescoViews website)
Veteran must have served during war times per the dates provided below:
WWI - 1917-1918
WWII - 1941-1945
KOREA - 1950-1955
VIETNAM - 1961-1975
GULF WAR - 1990-1991
The veteran’s Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD214) form is also required. DD214 Certificates can be requested online here.
Add A Name to the Downingtown Veteran's Memorial Honor Roll
To submit a name for inclusion on our honor roll, please fill in the form below and email copy of the DD214 form to admin@dvmf.org
Downingtown Area Veterans
Collecting the names of Veterans remains the greatest challenge. The committee is looking to the community as the definitive source for those names and will rely on the community to make corrections to the published lists prior to the final draft for the honor rolls. There will be room on the memorials for those Veterans missed in the first inscription.
Korean War Veterans
Persian Gulf War Veterans
Vietnam War Veterans
World War I Veterans
World War II Veterans
Privacy statement:
Any information submitted is solely for the purpose of collecting and verifying candidates for inclusion on the Downingtown Area Veterans' Memorial's honor roll to be erected at Veterans' Memorial Park, Downingtown, PA. The information provided will receive the highest level of security possible. Any information submitted will not be shared with other persons or organizations.
Any submittal may be retracted by the party completing the application or by the Veteran. To retract a submittal, send a written and signed statement to Downingtown Veterans' Memorial Fund, 108 Garnet Lane, Coatesville, PA 19320. Please enter any information that will help us confirm the name. If you don't know the requested information, just leave it blank and we will assume the answer is "don't know."
To request military personnel records, click National Personnel Records Center